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Why Are My Eyes So Dry When I Wake Up?

A person sits up in bed after waking up. They blink and rub their eyes which are dry and irritated.

Dry eyes in the morning can be caused by a variety of factors including:
Dry air or direct airflow on the eyes.
Allergens like dust and pollen in the air.
Sleep disorders or the eyes not closing all the way while sleeping.
Health conditions or medications affecting tear production.
Lifestyle factors like excessive screen time, dehydration, overusing contact lenses, or wearing makeup to bed.


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Children’s Eyes are School Supplies: Addressing Learning Difficulties in Children with Eye Exams 

An optometrist uses a slit lamp to examine a child's eye.

For parents and educators, ensuring that children have every opportunity to succeed academically is a top priority. However, undiagnosed vision problems can often cause learning difficulties in children.  Regular eye exams play a crucial role in identifying and addressing these issues early, paving the way for improved academic performance and overall well-being. The Importance of […]

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